Jul 5, 2013


Many people are doing a few things that are holding them back in life. Holding them back form who they want to be. From where they want to be in their lives. The biggest thing is thinking negative thoughts. When I say this I mean all negative thoughts. SO many people say: "I can't do that." or "I could never do that." Or even things like: "That would never happen to me." "I am so unlucky." DO you know that when you are saying those things about yourself, you are just re enforcing it to be true? Like attracts like, and by saying those negative comments you are just bringing more negative things into your life. SO I have an assignment for you today. Just for one day, don't let those negative thoughts in. When something bad happens, try your hardest to find the silver lining. When you find yourself thinking something negative, follow it up with BUT, and then something positive. At the end of the day, think about your mood throughout the day. How did you feel? I bet your day was a lot better. YOU'RE WELCOME!

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