Jul 12, 2013

Work out Before or After Work?

Honestly WHEN you work out is personal preference. It is a really great feeling to do you workout early in the morning and then have it done for the day. Now, BELIEVE ME, I LOVE to sleep in and I hit the snooze button at least once every single morning. Some mornings, I set EIGHT alarms just to get my booty out of bed. (Mike works nights and does NOT LOVE this. haha) So what do I do when I do an early AM workout?

1. Well, FIRST of all, I SLEEP in my workout clothes. I only workout in something once so its not gross or anything, but I found it makes my morning easier.
2. I set my alarm for 9 minutes before I want to be awake. When this alarm goes off, I add a scoop of E&E to my water in the shaker bottle on my nightstand. I shake, and drink quick, then go back to bed.
3. When my second alarm goes off, I'm awake (thanks E&E!).
4. Then I brush my teeth (am I the only one that brushes my teeth ALL THE TIME?!)
5. I get to my computer, DO NOT open the internet, and start my workout :)

Now, I don't always have time to do an AM workout, and sometimes I just don't want to wake up early. So this is what I do to make sure I get my PM workout in.

1. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am HUNGRY after work. So to stave off hunger, I eat a snack on the way home. I usually do a couple of hardboiled eggs or a peanut butter packet and some nut crackers.  I could do Shakeology, but I prefer that for breakfast.
2. As soon as I walk in the door, I drink my E&E.
3. I set a TIMER for 10 minutes.
4. I go to the bathroom, change into my workout clothes, and love on my cats.
5. When the timer goes off, I get on my computer (and again don't even open the internet) and do my workout.
6. After my workout, I do a light dinner (think salad).

As you can see, not matter when I workout,  am sure to limit my distractions. For me, my phone and the internet are the biggest distractions. But no matter when I do it during the day, I make sure to do my workout. When I was doing my first round of P90X, this meant that some nights I was in the gym, or my nanny house basement (if I was doing an overnight) from 11pm-12am. I even made the kids do plyoX with me once, we made it into a competition- haha. If you eat clean and do the workouts, you WILL see results!

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