Jul 19, 2013

The right time.

So often people tell me about how they will start working towards their goal tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. Why do we do this?! Do we really think that by putting off our goals another day will make it easier to reach them? Does starting a workout program on a monday really make it any easier than starting on a Wednesday? No! We just scare ourselves into thinking that we always need to start at the beginning of the week, month, or year. In reality- this is NONSENSE! We shouldn't put off starting something potentially really great just because the day of the week doesn't align with what we have been programmed to believe. SO my challenge to you all today? START. Start working towards your goals- big and small. Even if that means starting on a Friday instead of on a Monday. It just means that you will reach your goals that much faster. :) 

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