Mar 13, 2013

The Cost of Fitness and Tax Returns

Bloomberg and MSN Money released an article back in November that outlined the costs associated with different weight loss methods. A link to the article can be found below, but here are the basics:

If you ask a doctor for a diet medication? Expect to pay around $184 a month, because health insurance only covers this around 30% of the time. You will also have all of the lovely side effects to look forward to.

Maybe the help of a nutritionist? Expect to pay around $600 for three months. 

Or a Dietitian? $800 for three months.

How about some diet programs?
Jenny Craig? $1,251 for 12 weeks
Weight Watchers? $129 for 12 weeks
Nutrisystem? $689-$950 for 12 weeks

How about bariatric surgery? $18,000- $35,000

Gym Membership?
$43 on average plus $65 an hour for a personal trainer

Luxury Weight Loss Spa Anyone?
You are looking at a cost of about $8,100 people. 

I am tired of people saying that challenge packs cost too much money at $205. Here is the deal: for $205 you get an awesome workout- lets just say p90x (which btw is on sale this month for only $180), which is a 12 week program, shakeology, free Beachbody club membership, AND a FREE personal trainer! If you are looking to lose weight, do it the right way! It is the only way to keep it off and keep your body healthy peeps. Waiting around to have a bunch of disposable income won't change your life. Investing in your health now will. 

Everyone is getting back their tax returns and spending them on things that they do not need/frivolous things. What am I doing with mine? Well besides getting new tires I am buying ANOTHER Beachbody program. I am choosing to invest in my future body, and when I am finished with P90X? BRING IT Brazilian Butt Lift.

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