Oct 5, 2013

Finding healthy food on a budget

As someone who was just under employed for a month, I understand that it is not always cheapest to eat healthy. Organic costs a ton, and forget grass fed beef- when money is tight- you are happy to be able to buy meat at all. Coupon-ing is great, but generally there are only coupons for over processed junk food. So what is a girl to do? Well, open your mind! Here are some of the things that I found affordable when ends weren't quite meeting:

1. Brown rice (I went with someone to Costco and bought a giant bag)
2. Beans- and kind! It was cheapest to buy them dried
3. Frozen veggies- I would wait until they went on sale- sometimes you can find coupons for these!
4. Buy frozen chicken ( I went to Costco for this as well, AND also the commissary!)
5. Buy whatever produce is on sale- I know you LOVE asparagus, but baby carrots will save you $5 per pack. 
6. Quinoa- Sprouts near me sells this in bulk bins for cheap!
7. Shop at farmers markets for your produce!
8.  Buy food that you know you will eat when it is on sale- when I found bell peppers on sale for .50 each I bought 10, made them into stuffed peppers and froze them to enjoy later. 
9. Buy plain oats to make oatmeal- the kind in the tub! Store brand will save even more here!
10. Eggs and canned tuna are both relatively inexpensive forms of protein! 

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